02/09/2024 - The Department of Latina/Latino Studies is proud to announce professor Natalie Lira has been selected as a Conrad Humanities Scholar. The Conrad Humanities Scholars Award recognizes promising mid-...
11/15/2023 - Prof. Mirelsie Velázquez is featured in the College of LAS News! In the article, "she explains what led to her career as a professor...
10/05/2023 - Latina/Latino Studies Professor and Chair, Gilberto Rosas, was selected to co-lead the third HRI Interseminars Initiative project with...
09/27/2023 - Prof. Mirelsie Velázquez has won the American Educational Studies Association's (AESA) Critics' Choice Book Award for her book...
06/06/2023 - On April 30, 2023 we celebrated the graduating Latina/Latino Studies majors at the LLS major symposium where student presented their senior papers or thesis and were recognized for their achievements...
05/15/2023 - The Department of Latina/Latino Studies is happy to announce the recipients of the scholarships and award for 2023. Adriana Serrano Matsumoto is the winner of the 2023 ...
05/15/2023 - Prof. Mirelsie Velázquez has received a grant from the Campus Research Board to work on her second book project, “Genealogies of...
04/19/2023 - Congratulations to Prof. Mirelsie Velázquez for being chosen as a Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Summer Fellow! The Humanities Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign...
04/11/2023 - Latina/Latino Studies faculty affiliate Yuridia Ramírez and Latina/Latino Studies professor José de la Garza Valenzuela have been awarded 2023 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships....
04/07/2023 - Congratulations to the LLS faculty, affiliates, and teaching assistants who made it onto the University's List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students for Fall 2022! Burgos, A. HIST...
02/14/2023 - Check out our Spring 2023 newsletter and meet our new faculty and staff, and read about our faculty accomplishments.
01/27/2023 - We are accepting applications for our teaching assistantships for the 2023-2024 academic year. The application deadline is March 20, 2023. Visit...
12/14/2022 - Latina/Latino Studies Professor Elizabeth Velásquez Estrada was selected to co-lead the second Humanities Research Institute (HRI)...
11/16/2022 - The Department of Latina/Latino Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign invites applications for two Chancellor...
09/15/2022 - Congratulations to Professor Nic Flores for being named a Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (...